If you use a script-driven application on your website and all the content that you create is stored in a database, your web hosting package has to feature adequate database storage space, in order to ensure that even if your website expands, you will not have any sort of difficulties as a consequence of the shortage of storage space. PostgreSQL is an example of a popular database administration system that's used for numerous scalable web applications and if you'd like to have improved performance and reliability for your website, it's likely that you will use this system. With this in mind, you'll need a web hosting package that won't bound your online presence, particularly if you need to run a couple of websites and each of them uses PostgreSQL databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Shared Hosting

A number of the Linux shared hosting that we supply are suitable for hosting websites that require a PostgreSQL database to operate because they are provided with unlimited database storage. When you use these packages, you will be able to install and manage any PostgreSQL-driven script app and enjoy an effective and reliable website hosting service. We are able to offer you unlimited database storage as we do not manage everything on the same server. Alternatively, all of the PostgreSQL databases are managed by an independent cluster, that is part of our tailor-made cloud website hosting platform, so that we can always put additional hard disks or whole servers to the cluster if needed. With our shared web hosting services, you won't ever have to worry that the expansion of your websites is restricted due to the shortage of space for your databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting are ideal to host any PostgreSQL-driven script app. One of the variations between the plans is in the number of databases and the storage space for them that you get, in order to provide you with a choice to select the features that you truly need. For a small-scale website, for instance, you will not need that many system resources, while for a popular portal, a community forum with numerous users or a webstore with a lot of products you may take full advantage of our top-end package that contains unlimited PostgreSQL database storage space. Since all the accounts are set up on a cloud website hosting platform, all of the databases operate on an independent cluster and they don't share the resources with the rest of the files. In this way, we achieve two things - much better performance of script sites and virtually limitless database storage.